Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2008

Note: This will be done differently, like an interview. =P. Hope this works out.

Interviewer: Sooo, how's everything mr. brian yee??

byee: Well, things have been tiring and challenging. As this school year progresses, I feel..... slowly but surely... the sensation of burning out.

Interviewer: Why so? What's been happening?

byee: Well, there's just soo much to do. So many things pulling at me from different areas and different directions. And tho I believe I'm pretty good at keeping all things rolling, I feel a need to pull back at times. A time of rest.

Interviewer: Hmm.. interesting. So what's holding you back from taking a period of time off.

byee: Cause life wasn't meant to be easy. I know that... and I guess for me I see that this year has been such a huge growth period for me, so I continue the push. And with growth, there will always be pain and challenges. For me I guess, I just pray that He'll continue to take me through this year. Cause I can't do this on my own, not with my smarts, my heart, my efforts, etc.. but only through Him.

Interviewer: So you're relying on Him, God?? to.... be your refuge of rest and hope.

byee: Absolutely. Cause I'm nothing without Him. And if I'm good, it's only becuase He is.

Interviewer: Interesting concept brian.. mind if I ask where is that from before we finish up this interview?

byee: Definitely... from my favourite book, the bible. It's in the book of 1 John. "We love, because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19.

Brian Yee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its hard to persevere in times of trial.. but you definitely get stronger. Just keep relying on God's strength.. and dont b afraid to ask your brothers for support because many of us are just waiting for a chance to show Gods love through our actions.