Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The first is the worst.

this is the first post of our brand spanking new blog... i have a feeling i could have foudn a more appropirate template wut w/e, it serves its purpose so you are all gonig to have to live with it.

Okay so this week has been, like most weeks, mundane yet busy. plenty of school stuff to do as i have missed a large percentage of my classes to date(in process of changing) and midterms were just around the corner. i must have stuided for like 3 days straight for my 2 back to back midterms (monday and tuesday).. i am always amazed at how a little fear, whether stemming from school or any other source can lead you right to God. People often say that we only turn to God when we help or something like that, and i do not disagree with them.. however i find that it allows us to experience certain characterisitcs of GOd such as love and mercy.. i mean we gotta admit it sometimes we pass a test or difficulkty due soley to mercy as opposed to the 5 pounds of goop in our heads that we have come to rely on so heavily.

I am trying these days to achieve a better level of physical health as i am trying to steer clear of the common cold... and whatever else the aging process has in store for me. Eating less, doing more exercise.. being more concious of what goes in my mouth and so on. Lol i have no idea why anyone would want to know this but its my blog so boo-erns to them. however, i do believe that our society is greatly falling prey to the sweet allure of ignorance when it comes to food and exercise. i mean, we all know that eating a whopper is bad for you, but do you really know HOW bad and why...? our bodies are gifts from god and meant to be taken care of(sometimes this is a lot easier than it sounds).

as far as issues i am having... there is definitely one thing. i curently attend my home church called TCAC for sunday service and sunday school. however the university fellowship i am part of takes palce at a differnet church. many people(whom i respect) have hinted to me that it would be more beneficial to attend both groups at the same church. the issue is this.. for the last maybe 5 years i have attended youth felowship because a friend brought me there when i had a falling out with the people at the church i attend on sundays. i have contemplated what to do for a whiel and prayed about it... but it seems there is definitly no easy answer because there seems to b inevitable sacrifice if i choose.

looks like i talk a lot.. 3 paragraphs and i barely said anything.. hah.

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