Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sex, lust and all of that

Sex, lust is a huge topic to cover. There are so many guys out there (Christian guys) who struggle with this. Honestly, It's something huge I struggle with too.

I've been talking with lots of Christian guys about this and through this journey I've learnt so much.

First, God wants us to have awesome sex. Like seriously. He wants it to be the best most fun and kinky (in a good Christian way) thing we can share with our wives. But that's the thing. It's with our wives. As you all know, we shouldn't be having sex before marriage. Yes, it is immoral and all that but honestly it's because God wants the best for us. It's proven somewhere (google it, I'm lazy) that the more sexual partners you have before marriage the higher chance of divorce there is and it makes total sense! Look, if you had sex with like 12 chicks than got married. What would be in your head when you're making sweet love to your wife? Exactly, all those other 12 chicks. Comparing her to them and picturing them in your head. God wants the best for us. He obviously wants us to stay married and dedicated to one woman all our lives and that's why there's kind of that rule in the bible.

Not only that, but it may sound a bit crazy, but when you have sex with someone it's more than just having sex. Sex was only meant to be shared between your wife and you. When you have sex a spiritual linkage occurs. Sex is something so sacred and when you take something so sacred and spread it out like free candy it's going to take away how special it is between you and your wife.

I'll be honest, in my past relationship with my ex-girlfriend we had sex. It was the worst decision I've made and I honestly wish I could take it back. I thought I was in love with this girl when in fact it was just pure lust.

Surprisingly enough that happens quite a lot. We mix up our feelings of love and lust and we can't tell the difference.

I grew up with an abusive father that never truly showed me affection. That's why I was craving for love from her and I could only fill that empty void with physical satisfaction.

Now this is a huge thing we all struggle with. And if you say "PSH... no way" than sir, I salute you. I struggle with this quite a bit. It's something that some may be addicted to.

Honestly, the act of masturbation isn't a sin. Check the bible, it's nowhere to be found unless you're talking about old testament stuff with Onan who "spills his seed" and God zaps his arse for that. Onan wasn't choking the his chicken. What happened was his brother died so it was his responsibility as a brother to impregnate his brother's wife but what he did was he pulled out before he gave out his "seed." Anyway, the action of masturbation is one of those grey areas that many can discuss for hours.

The thing that IS a sin though is lust. Who honestly can masturbate and not lust at the same time? Well if thats you, than dang do you have a messed up mind. Anyway, when we lust it's basically committing adultery. I would find where it states that in the bible but again I am lazy and I'm sure it's there I've read it a billion times. So therefore, Masturbation is a sin because it leads or is caused by lust.

Checking Out Chicks
Oh boy, do I have a problem with this. And than again, so do many many other guys. You aren't alone!

God gave us two eyes to see, and if we see something beautiful we're going to go and look at it. If this really awesomely pretty girl walks down the street my eyes naturally are attracted to her. It's like how our pupils are attracted to lighter colors. It's like BAM! Woah... perrrrdyy gurlll.. But that's the thing. You can admire how beautiful a girl is but that's totally different from perving out on her.

What happens a lot is that I see a really beautiful girl, I'm talking stunning, walk down the opposite side of the road. I see her but than I glance away staring at the floor. When I first glanced I already acknowledged that she's a fine specimen of female but I choose not to stare again because I don't want her getting the wrong impression and most of all I don't want to be focusing on the wrong things.

If you catch your eyes staring at the wrong places than quickly divert them away. It happens. Our eyes automatically look for things. Focus on their eyes. Girls love eye contact but that's not what's important. What is important is that you aren't feeding that lustful side of you.

Because of what I've done in the past all those images really have stuck in my head. It sucks, I wish I could just rip them out of my brain but I'll have to endure it and pray against it.

In conclusion...

If you find yourself lusting, LOOK TO MARRIAGE. Everytime those thoughts come up in my head I start praying for my future wife and pray that God prepares me for HER. Through mind, body, and soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo man, props for sharing.. its sometimes laughable how tough it is to share about our struggles about lust... when we know that 100% of guys out there are going through the same thing. The great equalizer? haha probably not. But still, the media is making premarital sex and masturbation the status quo.. this wud b a good discussion topic for hot topics.
-BRian Tse